Sustainability was addressed by not designing around a disposable gas canister. To date, there has never been a refillable gas relay torch. A cleaner burning mix of propane and isobutane gas would be used to fill the hundreds of torches.
The design delivers a modern Olympic torch ready for interaction on many levels, a new addition to the internet of things. Its benefits include lifting the spirit of the Rio people, raising the Olympic spirit and the anticipation of competition, while fueling participation in the pursuit of excellence. The story of the torch interacting with viewers on many levels both visually and electronically as it makes its way to its final destination is a compelling narrative.The design enhances the quality life by engaging with the millions of viewers around the world in a positive way, and by inspiring young people to participate in sport and pursue excellence.
The users for this concept would be the hundreds of 2016 Summer Olympic Games torch relay and 2016 Summer Olympic Games Paralympic relay bearers around the world.I have no verified statistics or verification of performance for this concept, although there is a finished appearance prototype. A cost analysis was not performed on the concept, no budget was available for the bid process to the public.
This torch concept was a student project completed during my time at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena California. The use of Olympic symbols etc was for educational purposes only.